OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

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OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

#1 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Hello, angsty teenage wannabes! :lol:
It's your friendly Game Master.

In this game, the GM role is called the "Master of Ceremonies", or MC.

My role is facilitator, hot cheerleader, enabler (in the whole addiction sense of the word), driver of stolen cars, your biggest fan, and generally someone to set things up and watch you burn them down.

I am not the railroad engineer. Railroad doesn't work 100% effectively in D&D, and it 100% will not work here. Maybe even 110% chance of failing here.

I am your dark mirror, and your last safety net. I don't want to be the policeman (policewoman, depending on the situation), but I will swing the banhammer as needed. This is my pact with the forum overlords, and I cannot violate it.


RULES, or how the game works

Basically, you roll 2d6, add your appropriate stat, and then we interpret the results. Each "move" that you can make in the game has its own set of successes and consequences.

Here is the sliding scale of consequence for your moves:
  • 10+ ... You win. I don't get to f*ck with you. This is a success. I hope you're able to live with yourself. :cry:
  • 7-9 ... This is a partial success. A "conflicted result". You may need to make some hard choices, but you also get something in return. ;)
  • 6 or less ... DICE FAIL. I get to make a Hard Move, which means that stuff is going to happen and you're not going to like it. Or, maybe you are masochistic, and then you're liking it anyway. :twisted:
That's it, basically. I'll illustrate this with a "move" shortly, but time is short here & I got to move my ass.
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Re: OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

#2 Post by Rukellian »

Q.Q Elf wrote:Hello, angsty teenage wannabes! :lol:
It's your friendly Game Master.

In this game, the GM role is called the "Master of Ceremonies", or MC.

My role is facilitator, hot cheerleader, enabler (in the whole addiction sense of the word), driver of stolen cars, your biggest fan, and generally someone to set things up and watch you burn them down.

I am not the railroad engineer. Railroad doesn't work 100% effectively in D&D, and it 100% will not work here. Maybe even 110% chance of failing here.

I am your dark mirror, and your last safety net. I don't want to be the policeman (policewoman, depending on the situation), but I will swing the banhammer as needed. This is my pact with the forum overlords, and I cannot violate it.


RULES, or how the game works

Basically, you roll 2d6, add your appropriate stat, and then we interpret the results. Each "move" that you can make in the game has its own set of successes and consequences.

Here is the sliding scale of consequence for your moves:
  • 10+ ... You win. I don't get to f*ck with you. This is a success. I hope you're able to live with yourself. :cry:
  • 7-9 ... This is a partial success. A "conflicted result". You may need to make some hard choices, but you also get something in return. ;)
  • 6 or less ... DICE FAIL. I get to make a Hard Move, which means that stuff is going to happen and you're not going to like it. Or, maybe you are masochistic, and then you're liking it anyway. :twisted:
That's it, basically. I'll illustrate this with a "move" shortly, but time is short here & I got to move my ass.
Ah, I think I get it now, and the stats are HOT, COLD, DARK and VOLATILE? *scans info for each skin and picks out parts*
Looking at the template, I can guess that Harm is hitpoints and that I don't want to reach 4, moves are skills which we can obtain more of later through experience and.... wait, what's the carry forward and conditions section for?
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

#3 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Your moves are your actions. Kind of skill-ish, but they define what your character is able to do in the framework of the game (I.e. The stuff you can roll dice for). You don't get to do things other than your character's moves.

Let's take the move "Turn Someone On" as an example... because we are all about good clean fun here!

Yes, the basic premise is that you'd roll 2d6 and add your Hot modifier. There are other things you can add in, but we'll take the basic concept first.

There's a great description in the book, but it's difficult to type all this out really well on a phone, so I'll do it in stages so my phone browser does not assplode and light itself on fire...
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Re: OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

#4 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Alright. The extended play description.

So, I'm describing this in brief terms, not in full characterful terms. My goal is to illustrate the rules, and not describe how we should describe things. We all have our own voices, and I can't say that mine is pitch perfect. I respect your willingness to share, and we'll all be imperfect together.


The extended example involves a Witch. Her mom is in the hospital, so she's staying with a friend of the family (another PC's family). The Witch was recently in a fight with that other character in the girls' locker room, and she's pissed off.

So the Witch (Vanessa) goes to the house early, before the other character (Cassidy Lupa, the Werewolf) arrives.

Vanessa decides to get revenge by trying to turn on Mr. Lupa, who is sitting on the sofa. He's got a black eye, and a scowl on his chiseled face. Vanessa doesn't care so much that he's a good looking older man... she just wants to f*ck with Cassidy & even the score after Cassidy beat her up.

Vanessa goes over to the fridge, bends over "at the waist" while in her miniskirt, and looks for something in the freezer to put on Mr. Lupa's swollen eye.

So that's a test for turn someone on. Vanessa's player rolls 2d6 and adds Vanessa's hot score.

Making sense so far? I'll post this, and then write some additional comments in my next post...
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Re: OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

#5 Post by Q.Q Elf »

okay, Turn someone on is inherently fraught with danger.

It can cross over to NSFW easily, which would be bad.
It can cross each other's boundaries, which would be bad.
It can creep you the hell out as you cross your own boundaries, which would be bad.

The note/tip for this is to make sure you step OUT of the picture, as a PLAYER.

Frame the scene in CHARACTER terms. Run it through your character, and put up the wall that will help protect you from getting too far over the fault lines in your brain.

Then you can describe the scene & the action in a way that is true to your character without compromising who you are as a PERSON. And I think that's real important... because:
1) you need to feel sure about what you're saying & safe in sharing it with us, and...
2) the drama gets better when you can push your poor suffering character further than you yourself are willing to go.

So as a general rule, when you're about to make a Move, stop for a moment.
Put up the shields inside & the mental barriers to keep yourself Safe.
THEN, go for it!

(But stay SFW!) :lol:
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Re: OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

#6 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Other rules & stuff

So, there's this thing that you can get online... the Monsterhearts Reference Sheet pdf.

Here's a link to the author's web site... Reference Sheet.

Here's a link to a page with more reference sheets... HERE. This one is color coded, and probably is most suited for players.


I'll ask that you read the Reference Sheets regarding "Basic Moves". Those govern all the essential actions that you can attempt in the game.

We can talk about them here as well, but I'll delay a full on discussion about Moves for the moment.



What are Strings? They represent the things that bind another character (PC or NPC) to your characters, or vice versa. Having a String on someone means you have extra power over them. The Reference Sheets tell you what you can do if you want to spend one of your Strings on a character.

During character creation, you have various backstory Strings built in to what you need to detail. Do take advantage of that.
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Re: OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

#7 Post by Metal Fatigue »

Flipping back for a moment to Turn Someone On

If another PC tries to turn your character on, and the dice come up right, your character is turned on. That's it. No getting around it. Whatever they did, it turned your character on.

What you can control, however, is how your character reacts to it. If they hit hard (10+), you give them a String, because they know they turned you on and that's emotional leverage they can use later. If they only hit soft (7-9), you can choose whether to give them a String, a promise, or your trembling lustful bod. All up to you. No one can make your character screw someone you don't want them to screw.

(There are two exceptions to the above, but both are skin moves for skins that aren't in play: the Vampire's Hypnotic and the Infernal's Strings Attached. Those are high-powered moves, and using them against other PCs without the other player's buy-in—even if it's not for sex—is breaking the social contract. Don't do it. If I were the MC I'd make you take it back and apologize sincerely to avoid a ban.)
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Re: OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

#8 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Metal Fatigue wrote:Flipping back for a moment to Turn Someone On
Thanks for that!

Excellent points & observations. I know you've played, so if you have more comments on Moves in play, I'm sure we'd all love to hear them!

Now I've got to keep going on with describing the Basic Moves, and then highlight some of your monster's Moves...
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Re: OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

#9 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Moving on to another Basic Move...
Manipulate a NPC.

This only works on a NPC. (You can't force players to do things against their will.)

Manipulation, coercion, bribery, a threat, or something that makes an NPC do what you want.

This is based on Hot. So there could be a thin line between turning someone on, and getting what you want. The turn on can be just to get a String on a NPC, which you parley into manipulation & not necessarily for sex. Maybe you want to extract a promise. Maybe you want them to tell an adult about their abusive relationship. Maybe you want them to tell you a secret.

And it's an action that you need to specify. You can't make them feel something. You're extracting something negotiable, not feelings or ideas.

On a 10+, you get what you want.

On a 7-9, I tell you exactly what your character needs to do in order to get what you want. No compromises. My goal will be to f*ck with your character in some way, and force you into hard choices.
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Re: OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

#10 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Feel free to discuss any of this stuff, but I'll keep on.

Next Basic Move is Shut Someone Down.

What is this? You're not short circuiting someone's action, which is what it sounds like to me. (you'd use Manipulate a NPC to get a NPC to do what you say).

What it is is this... Your character says something witty and cutting to get an advantage over someone else... thereby knocking the target character down a bit (not literally). You're exerting a kind of mental dominance by pointing out one of that person's flaws, reducing their power over you.

This move is based on Cold .

On a 10+, choose one effect:
  • you give them a Condition.
  • If they have a String on you, they lose a String. If they have no Strings on you, you gain a String on them.
On a 7-9, choose one:
  • both you and the target give each other a Condition.
  • Both you and the target lose a String on the other.
Edit: Added the "choose one" bit.
Last edited by Q.Q Elf on Fri Oct 31, 2014 6:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

#11 Post by Metal Fatigue »

You're missing the "choose one" bit, MC. You don't give them a Condition and shuffle Strings on a 10+, or give conditions and lose strings on a 7-9.
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Re: OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

#12 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Metal Fatigue wrote:You're missing the "choose one" bit, MC. You don't give them a Condition and shuffle Strings on a 10+, or give conditions and lose strings on a 7-9.
Whoops. Noted, and editing it...
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Re: OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

#13 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Next up... Hold Steady.

Basically, if your character is in a shitty situation (the book says "scary" or "tense"), then you can check to Hold Steady in order to stay frosty, not freak out, and figure out how to fix the situation.

This is based on the Cold stat.

On a roll of 10+
Choose one:
  • Ask the MC about the situation. I have to answer "truthfully and fully". One example from the book is, "What is the biggest threat in the room" (should you wish to fight or flee from a situation that might cause you Harm). One neat example is to reveal NPC motivations... the book says, "Why did Deirdre come here tonight?" Another one is to feel out the environment and the situation, like, "Is there anyone else in the house right now?"
  • Remove 1 Condition
  • Carry 1 Forward.
On a roll of 7-9
Choose one:
  • You keep your cool (no real effect on its own)
  • Pick one from the 10+ list, but you gain the condition Terrified
As you can see, the 7-9 result requires some trade-offs. If you're a Condition whore, you don't give a shit, though.
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Re: OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

#14 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Carrying Forward

What is this?

It's a temporary bonus to your next applicable roll.

See, Forwards can be attached to things, so that they are conditional.

i.e. "Carry 1 forward for this scene."
Once the scene is done, the Forward is lost.

Once used, the Forward is lost.



If you can use someone's specific Condition against that same someone, you gain +1 to your roll. And that Condition doesn't go away on its own.

Example. Henry has the Condition Terrified. Natalie screams a horrifying battle cry, and tries to stab Henry with a kitchen knife. Since Natalie screamed and tried to intimidate Henry during Natalie's attack, Natalie can benefit from the +1 for acting against someone's condition.
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Re: OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

#15 Post by Metal Fatigue »

Hold steady is interesting because usually you roll it when the MC tells you to. I can't think of a case in which someone could just up and roll hold steady on their own.
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Re: OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

#16 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Metal Fatigue wrote:Hold steady is interesting because usually you roll it when the MC tells you to. I can't think of a case in which someone could just up and roll hold steady on their own.
Cool. Thanks for that. I was wondering how you'd engage that one.
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Re: OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

#17 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Alright... now for kicking ass.

Lash Out Physically!

This is a roll with Volatile.

If you want to kick someone's ass, this is it. After re-reading the rules, you MUST hurt them... but maybe you want to restrain them or otherwise dominate them physically as well. That's possible, but the intent of this is to kick ass.

On a roll of 10+, inflict 1 Harm, and pick one:
  • The damage is even worse. (inflict 1 additional Harm)
  • You dominate them. Take 1 String on them.
  • You dominate them. They must Hold Steady before they can retaliate. (Since I, the MC, do not roll, this seems only appropriate for Player versus Player situations.
On a roll of 7-9, you inflict 1 Harm, but you must also choose one of the following:
  • They get a piece of you. They take 1 String on you.
  • They wound you. You take 1 Harm.
  • You transform into your Darkest Self.
Anyway, this is real physical violence.

The book suggests that if you're just trying to restrain someone, you might also be Shutting Someone Down. However, not everyone has the highest Cold stat to Shut Someone Down.

Violence is always a method to get what you want, but it's also transgressive. You violate a character's boundaries by inflicting violence upon them... there's no way around it, and no way to sugar coat it.
Last edited by Q.Q Elf on Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

#18 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Deleted Rukellian's post because I messed up the description...

Okay... now a diversion into Harm, and also into Darkest Self.


Harm is pretty easy.

Each of your sheets has 4 Harm boxes.

How do you get or inflict a Harm point? Any violence. Smack someone with a beer bottle. Kick them in the jimmies. Ram their car off the road. Throw a metal chair at their face.

Harm 1 is obvious. This is a black eye, a busted lip, or something the kids will definitely see in the locker room.

Harm 2 is bad. If the Werewolf's claws are out, it's a Harm 2 move. If you "smack someone in the temple with an aluminum bat", that's a Harm 2 move. This can require medical treatment. According to the book, the cops will come right away if a Harm 2 action is reported.

Harm 3 is really bad. Immediate medical treatment required. This is one step away from death.

Harm 4 is dead. Toast. Sayonara.

The thing about Harm 4 is that it's "mostly dead" for PCs. You have 2 ways out of immediate death for your PC, if you care to do so (and not roll up a new character, or bow out)...
  • Option 1: Become your Darkest Self
  • Option 2: Lose all Strings on other characters
Either option gives you the Drained condition in addition to the impact of the choice.


Darkest Self...

The book says this:
You have a script on your character sheet. Play it. Play it hard.

"This is the moment where you are supposed to lose sight of your humanity, whatever amount you had in the fist place. It’s the point at which you forsake the world."

This is the big moment of teenager self-immolation where you say, "Fuck it", and flip over into the full-on crazy ass teenager side.

Yes, we frame it in terms of being a monster, but it's also about being a teenager who has lost their way towards humanity/adulthood.

The book says to aim to do as much damage as possible. Wreck shit.
Live up to a "certain dark vision for the character"... which is described on your character sheet. Embody it. Live it.
And, lastly (but not least), set terrible and dark precendents for the character and for the world that we all inhabit (because the world revolves around us, as teenagers, and as characters in an emergent story).

Shit will happen, and my job is to make shit happen.

When the Werewolf flips out, the book says to put innocent lives in the way. One gameplay description has the Werewolf wrecking a pedophile's house, and then running headlong into a group of kids playing in the yard next door. It can only end in blood. That's what we're talking about!

I'll have to think on the Ghost... being invisible isn't going to flip shit over. However, what if someone needs that character to be there, and the Ghost has flipped out & gone AWOL because he can't handle his shit? What if someone is going to die because the Ghost has gone away? Now that I can live with.

The Fae is complicated for me as well. Promises, promises. The Fae is a kind of supernatural order here, with Promises as the currency. I'll think on it.

The Hollow... suicidal tendencies is one thing, but you can't make the world burn real easily with a PC going off. It has to be spectacular, like bringing a gun & wanting to take out everyone with you? I don't know. I have to keep the trapped NPCs in mind as well. You've got Vanessa, Mrs. Meecher... I have to work through my web to see it all.
Last edited by Q.Q Elf on Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

#19 Post by Rukellian »

Was just commenting on the last bit, that's all. There is no way to sugar coat violence, and I agreed.

Question about Harm though and death. Does a ghost recieve harm like any other monster, or is it hurt a different way? When and if I reach 4 harm, will the ghost be susceptible to death?
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: OOC: Apocalypse Engine Rules & Monsterhearts Framework

#20 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Rukellian wrote:Was just commenting on the last bit, that's all. There is no way to sugar coat violence, and I agreed.

Question about Harm though and death. Does a ghost recieve harm like any other monster, or is it hurt a different way? When and if I reach 4 harm, will the ghost be susceptible to death?
Yes. Because the Ghost is Un-Dead, but we've glossed over the hand-wavium that makes Clarence alive.

For instance, when it comes to the Vampire not burning due to sunlight, the book mentions a magic ring or trinket that subverts the usual Vampire story. Or Vampires just don't work that way in our story. We've made a concession to allow the monster to exist in the story, and Harm 4 would likely break it.

Something about the Ghost hasn't fully crossed over yet. Harm 4 means the Ghost is finally done, and ready to cross over. They've broken the thing that keeps the Ghost in this world, and now it's the end.

Does that make sense? There's no special rule that applies to a Ghost & Harm. Or a Ghoul. Or any Skin that might argue for a dodge around Death, unless the Skin has a special move that averts it (like the Ghoul).
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