A New Beginning

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Re: A New Beginning

#481 Post by badams30 »


Wylo discreetly hands the captain 3 of his 100GP Gems and says "here you go. The balance once we land, if you will." Wylo thoughtfully rubs his chin and says "What trade goods do you recommend for barter with this lot?"


Finton stands by waiting, keeping a lookout to see if any shady types are observing us...

OOC: Do we need to pick up some stuff to trade? Maybe?
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Re: A New Beginning

#482 Post by sonofotho »

badams30 wrote:Wylo

Wylo discreetly hands the captain 3 of his 100GP Gems and says "here you go. The balance once we land, if you will." Wylo thoughtfully rubs his chin and says "What trade goods do you recommend for barter with this lot?"

OOC: Do we need to pick up some stuff to trade? Maybe?
Captain Everett takes a quick glance at the gems before pocketing them. "They'll do. And as for trade goods, they were partial to ale and spirits - I find you can never go wrong with booze."

ooc: Let me know if you guys are ready to head out 'tonite' - would ship off around dinnertime.

And can you confirm your spells for the day?
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Re: A New Beginning

#483 Post by badams30 »


Wylo says "We'll push off tonight once we have some trade goods, thank you."

OOC: We may want to secure some booze to take with us. What do you think, Joe?
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Re: A New Beginning

#484 Post by spanningtree »

Leena - Mage

Aye, let me go to the market again and arrange for some hooch to be delivered. I'm thinking three 40 gallon barrels of ale, do you think that should be enough? Finton and I are also capable of casting charm person....
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Re: A New Beginning

#485 Post by sonofotho »

The provisions are delivered to the quay and some of Everett's men begin to load the cargo onto the ship. The sailors look rough; most are thin, some scarred, and almost all tanned from many countless hours in the sun. You keep reminding yourselves that Everett is trusted by Queeg and therefore should be considered reliable, but you don't know if that extends to his crew.

The Sharkbite is a not a large ship by any means, but it looks sturdily built even if it's not the prettiest vessel you've ever seen.

You stow your gear in the berthing cabin below the deck before heading topside again. The sailors continue to stow all supplies in the storage hold before moving on to other tasks in preparation for setting sail.

Captain Everett stands on the aft deck next to the single room cabin which serves as his quarters. He nods in your direction, appreciating your standing aside and letting his men do their jobs.

Finally, just before supper time, Everett gives the order to push off. Long poles steer the ship clear of the quay, and small, maneuvering sails are unfurled, generating the necessary propulsion to move the ship into the harbor.

The mainsail is hauled up and the Sharkbite begins to race across the water. You glance at Enharza once more from the deck of a ship, just as you did upon arriving. It is an amazing sight, and already you are beginning to feel as if it has become home.

But the excitement of heading out into the unknown waters, of visiting strange islands with unknown dangers and treasures thrills you in no small measure.

After an hour or so, with Enharza the better part of three miles behind you, Everett invites you into his cabin for dinner.

ooc: Sorry AGAIN for the delay guys. Thanks for hanging in there. I thought I would pause here to give a chance for RP with Everett.
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Re: A New Beginning

#486 Post by badams30 »

Brother Wylo

Brother Wylo will nod and exchange brief friendly greetings with the crew, and then he'll stand by the rail and watch the sea ahead until dinner. At dinner he thanks the Captain for his hospitality and will volunteer to say a prayer for the Captain, crew, vessel and occupants and a safe journey. He'll listen politely to the conversation and interject to ask if Everett knows anything else about the island other than what he's told us. he also asks what the return plan is - does he just come back in 10 days, or what do we need to do to get him to come for us?


Finton, not a fan of sea travel, retires to a quiet area to study his spellbook until dinner. At dinner he will speak if spoken to, but generally keeps silent unless asked a question.
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Re: A New Beginning

#487 Post by spanningtree »

Ragnus - Fighter

Breathing in the briny air he will smile as they depart. Used to being around rougher folk he settles in telling the others to watch the crew, not to be trusted. At dinner he will settle in to a bit of rum and ask the captain: So, what do you know of our destination? Anything special?

Leena - Mage

Feeling a bit out of place she will hang close to Ragnus at first but will settle into the swing of things in little time and stay out of the way. Seeing Finton go introvert she will sit down with him. Perk up friend, don't let the darkness consume you. We'll be back to town soon... maybe instead of partying like a leprechaun you could buy your girl out from under the thumb of the brothel. She will say with a shrug and smile. With the amount you spent you could have probably relieved whatever debt she has and set her up in an apartment, a proper girl is a good investment for your coin.... She will make her way to dinner and keep a sharp ear.
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Re: A New Beginning

#488 Post by sonofotho »

You sit cramped around the small table in the Captain's quarters, taking turns grabbing sliding mugs and plates as the boat rises and falls. A single sailor serves you; a skinny young lad who doesn't seem to have any problem maintaining his balance.

Captain Everett offers a selection of various dried, salted fish and cold potatoes. Fruit, bread, and butter are also passed around in large quantities. And flagons of grog, wine, and other spirits ensure that no one goes thirsty. Everett himself pours one big mug after another, his face growing redder by the cup.

Brother Wylo - He'll listen politely to the conversation and interject to ask if Everett knows anything else about the island other than what he's told us. he also asks what the return plan is - does he just come back in 10 days, or what do we need to do to get him to come for us?

"You think you'll be on the island for ten days," Everett asks with a raised eyebrow. "I had figured you'd be there a couple days at best and I'd be anchored in the lagoon. I wouldn't a figured you'd want me to leave you on the island. Talk it over and let me know."

Ragnus - At dinner he will settle in to a bit of rum and ask the captain: So, what do you know of our destination? Anything special?

"Not much more than what I told you already - hard-headed islanders. Their village sits on a lagoon on the northwest side of the island. Sandy beach there. Most of the island is forest, but I never been in there. Just seen it from the water. My guess is the island's about 10 miles long and about half as wide."

Your appetite is not what it normally is and before long you take your leave from the table, heading below to the hanging hammocks which serve as your sleeping quarters. Night falls and you feel very tired.

Godsday, 25 Wealsun

You're surprised at how late you sleep, but you wake up refreshed and feeling a bit better - more....stable. As you come up on deck you notice the wind has picked up considerably and blows in a favorable direction. The Sharkbite jumps across the water, her mainsail stretched taught.

The sun is obscured by clouds and the temperature drops a little. It doesn't look like storm, but you doubt you'll see the sun for awhile. The day passes slowly and you try and keep yourself occupied while staying out of the way of the sailors.

Just before supper time the wind suddenly, and inexplicable dies down. Then, there is dead calm. The water is glass-like, smooth and still. Off to the starboard, to the east, you see low mountains rising up from the sea. They are likely 9-10 miles away.

Captain Everett walks up to the rail. "Hells!"

ooc: Actions?

p.s. Those with armor - are you wearing it now or do you have it stowed? Nothing ominous, just curious! And spellcasters, can you please confirm what you have ready? Thanks!
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Re: A New Beginning

#489 Post by badams30 »


Wylo comes up on deck to see what's going on, and when he hears the captain utter his oath, he says "Captain, what seems to be going on?" He'll pause for a quick reply, then he'll head below to grab his armor (he wouldn't have been wearing it) he'll don his chain and come back up, prepared for something bad, he presumes.

OOC: Wylo just tossed 10 days out there, I don't want to be there that long, so I'd say 2-3 days if that works with everyone.


Finton smiles at Leena's kind words and says "Thanks, that's not a bad idea." His thoughts drifting to his girlfriend at the brothel... As the wind dies and the captain gets riled, Finton glances at the others and says with unmasked sarcasm "This ought to be good. I don't want to die as fish food." He glances toward the mountains and waits for the captain to answer Wylo's question as to what's going on.
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Re: A New Beginning

#490 Post by sonofotho »

badams30 wrote:Wylo

Wylo comes up on deck to see what's going on, and when he hears the captain utter his oath, he says "Captain, what seems to be going on?" He'll pause for a quick reply, then he'll head below to grab his armor (he wouldn't have been wearing it) he'll don his chain and come back up, prepared for something bad, he presumes.
"Dead calm," Everett answers in response to Brother Wylo's query. "These waters are damn strange - sudden mist banks, wind dies without warning; a sailor's fate is often out of his hands."

Wylo and Finton ask about the mountains off to starboard, thinking they were the source of Everett's concern. "Never been on that pile of rocks. Though many say it's the home of a young red, a dragon named Urufomo the Cruel. Not sure you have enough gold for me to take you there." (ooc: You presume you are looking at Hex 20.12)

Everett goes on to say that there's not much to do other than wait for the wind to return. He doubles the watch and notes it is almost supper time.

ooc: Fire away any questions or general RP. I'll then fast-forward.
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Re: A New Beginning

#491 Post by spanningtree »

Ragnus - Fighter

Overheaing the conversation: Wouldst ya know it. They knew we are coming or something.... he will say with a slight laugh. He'll stay out of the way but on lookout.

Leena - Mage

Easier on my stomach! She will say and keep an eye on the mountains.
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Re: A New Beginning

#492 Post by sonofotho »

Waterday, 26 Wealsun, 7AM

At some point during the night while you slept, the wind picked up again and the Sharkbite continued on her course. When you come topside you see off the port bow an island in the distance. The sky has cleared and the temperature is rising fast.

"There's your island," says Everett. "We drop anchor at the mouth of the lagoon, there," he says, pointing to an opening in the tree-line. "Two of my sailors will row you ashore in the longboat. You can then signal us when you're ready."

Captain takes a pull on a flask produced out of nowhere. "My guess is we're there in an hour. Will you be wanting any men to accompany you land side? If so, that'll cost you extra."

ooc: Do you want to hire any of Everett's men (5gp a man) or are you good to go?
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Re: A New Beginning

#493 Post by badams30 »


Wylo stretches his legs and grabs his gear, including his armor. He'll toss the chain shirt in the boat with his other gear, and as they near the shore and shallows, he'll put it on. He waves and says his thanks to the crew, wishing them a safe stay while we are ashore. He gives the captain a hearty handshake and says "We'll see you in a couple of days, thanks for your hospitality."


Finton nods his thanks to the captain and wordlessly boards the boat, subconsciously checking that his spellbook is close by and secure.

OOC: Let's go! I don't think we need any sailor help, do you all?
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Re: A New Beginning

#494 Post by spanningtree »

Ragnus - Fighter

Let's get a move on then... He'll herd the hirelings onto the boat. Captain, no need to be showing the locals our trade goods up front and it's hard to hide barrels when walking up. We'll signal soon for the ale, if you could have someone row it over that would be great.

Leena - Mage

Don't really like the idea of a smaller boat but here we go.
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Re: A New Beginning

#495 Post by sonofotho »

Weary of hidden shoals, Captain Everett orders the anchor dropped about three hundred yards off shore at the mouth of the lagoon. The longboat which has been dragged behind the Sharkbite is pulled up alongside, and gear is dropped into the boat and stored neatly by four young sailors.

You climb down a rickety wood and rope ladder and take your seats. The four sailors push off and the longboat surges forward under their short, powerful strokes. Captain Everett stands on the bow of the Sharkbite watching your progress, but he says nothing. You see him produce his secret flask, take a few pulls and then turn away.

As you approach the shore you notice the huts of the village. They sit off to the left atop a rocky rise, perhaps fifty feet above the shore line. You can see four or five huts, wooden with thatched rooms, and you can even make out several racks used for drying fish. Numerous gulls are perched atop the latter, occasionally squawking and flapping wings. But there is no sign of any villagers.

You land at a small, sandy beach several hundred meters to the right of the village. The sailors pull the boat up as far as they can, and you hop out in ankle-deep water. No sooner is your gear dropped on the sandy beach, than the sailors push the longboat out into the surf and hop in. With nothing more than a quick wave, they begin rowing back to the Sharkbite.

Even though it is early morning, the air is very hot and unfortunately, quite still. The sounds of frogs and crickets can be heard coming from the dense vegetation some fifty meters past the beach. Gnarled live oaks and thick bushes form a green wall behind the beach. Still no sign of anyone. You head to the left, following a narrow path which climbs up to the village between the beach and the woods. "Well, let's see where these nasty villagers are hiding," Dermox says with a wink.
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Re: A New Beginning

#496 Post by sonofotho »

When you reach the top of the rise, perhaps fifty feet from the first hut, you realize something is amiss. The gulls tear at the fish drying on the racks, at least what is left of the fish, most having rotten with neglect. A dead dog lies to the side of the path, two gulls picking at a nasty gash in its side.

You draw your weapons and advance slowly into the village. You are not terribly surprised when you see numerous villagers lying dead on the ground. A quick scan reveals fourteen villagers scattered about. You move cautiously, trying to ascertain what may have happened. Some of the villagers appear to have been savaged, with throats torn out, entrails spilt, or victimized in a similar gruesome manner. Some corpses appear bloated in death, while others appear to have been half-consumed.

Strangely four villagers, all men, do not appear to have suffered any wounds, that you can see at least. But they too lie as still as those who suffered obvious fatal wounds.

ooc: Actions?
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Re: A New Beginning

#497 Post by badams30 »

Brother Wylo

Wylo rushes in, saying "Hello, hello, is anyone here?" Ignoring the obvious dead, he'll check on anyone who appears to be a survivor. As he wanders about, his thoughts turn to what could have done this, and he draws his mace, gazing about suspiciously."


Finton whistles a low whistle and says "not what I expected. Poor sots." He cautiously walks about, trying to determine what could have caused the injuries, also looking for drag marks, footprints or blood trails.

OOC: And away we go. Come to loot a temple and run into a mass kill off. Just our luck.

BTW, hope you are enjoying vacation. You just avoided Hurricane Arthur, which did nothing, didn't even give us more than an inch of rain...
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Re: A New Beginning

#498 Post by sonofotho »

BTW, hope you are enjoying vacation. You just avoided Hurricane Arthur, which did nothing, didn't even give us more than an inch of rain...
yeah, I was a bit worried about it, but my sister, who was already on BHI, had said that it wasn't a big deal. LONG trip getting here though, and after a delayed flight, missing golf bag, rental car trouble, we are finally on the island (thankfully, not the same island as you guys......) :twisted:
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Re: A New Beginning

#499 Post by badams30 »

Glad you made it. Hope your clubs catch up with you. It's supposed to be pretty darn hot this week, so you'll get some good beach time for sure. I'm surprised that the hurricane did as little as it did, it was a cat 2.
Any big plans, or jest rest and relaxation? We usually hit the beach in late Sept, that way the missus doesn't get to hear my incessant complaining about the temps.

Have fun!
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Re: A New Beginning

#500 Post by sonofotho »

Clubs did finally get here so all is good. And no plans other than beach, hanging with the fam, and hopefully a round or two of golf if I can get away from the kids! ;)

And of course, spending some time further fleshing out Enharza and the Southern Isles!
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